2024 / 04


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This journal is written by Kuma (Felis catus) and Kuma's owner Y (homo sapiens). We have moved from Japan to Australia in 2011.


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2016-08-10 23:34   The new habit and the old habit

Y (Kuma's owner)

We all have habits. Some habits are related to cultural backgrounds or the environment. Since I moved to Australia, one of my habits has disappeared.

I had lived in Japan for a long time. As you know, there are many earthquakes in Japan. If I put something on the edge of the shelf, it might fall off when the earthquake happens. Therefore, I was getting a bit nervous to put things on the shelf, especially the shelf without any depth. I used to put breakable or delicate things towards the inside of the shelf just in case.

When the Fukushima disaster happened in 2011, the energy of the earthquake was massive and all my effort was helpless, but usually it's helpful for small earthquakes. After I moved to Australia, I still had this habit and I told myself "Don't worry, this area has no big earthquakes", and the habit of putting things towards the inside of the shelf gradually disappeared.

Then, I lost one habit and got a new one. The lawn sometimes gets wet with morning dew, so I wear rain boots in the morning. One day, I inserted my leg into the boot and touched something soft. It was a weird feeling.

"What did I touch?"

A toad in the watering can

It was a toad. I have no idea why he was there. The inside of the boots were not wet. I've been believing that frogs and toads love a place which is wet, don't they? Since then, I check the inside of the boots every morning. This became my habit.

However, I don't have to do this in winter because they are hibernating. I know that they are hibernating and still peep into the boots, you know a habit doesn't choose the season. Once it became a habit, I do it always. I think myself I'm stupid but that's the habit.

A frog

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