2016 / 08


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This journal is written by Kuma (Felis catus) and Kuma's owner Y (homo sapiens). We have moved from Japan to Australia in 2011.


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2016-08-09 20:32   The guests from Japan

Y (Kuma's owner)

Australia is one of the most popular countries for Japanese tourists. The beautiful beaches, pretty Koalas, Kangaroos, unique scenery and friendly Aussies all attract Japanese people. There is not a big difference in time between Australia and Japan, and that makes people feel it is easy to come here.

This weekend, my husband's mum and brother are coming to Australia. I think my husband's mum wanted to see her son (my husband) and asked her the other son who teaches English at a high school to go with her. Isn't she lucky? She cannot speak English but she has got a nice interpreter.

I was wondering what she wants to see in Australia. Come to think of it, the first time I came to Australia, I wanted to see kangaroos and koalas. I think we have to go to a zoo.

Well, what else? She is staying for seven days. She is going to stay our house located in South East Queensland. There aren't many options because we live in a rural area which is far from the most popular sightseeing places.

Therefore, my husband and I plan to take them for a picnic at the local park. It's not exciting but she will be able to enjoy a relaxing time with wild birds as background music. I hope this holiday will become a memorable one for her.

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2016-08-08 00:21   Maybe it will be needed again

Y (Kuma's owner)

One day, I was watching a popular TV show and saw a girl who couldn't tidy her room. Everybody makes a mess but her room was beyond my imagination. It was as if a tornado had passed through it. I couldn't even see the floor, it was covered with rubbish. This was completely far from the level of most people's mess.

I have seen the same type of people in Japan on TV. People who cannot tidy their houses. Some of them throw the rubbish outside of the house and it becomes a serious issue for the neighbours. I heard that some of them suffer from Alzheimer's disease, that's why they can't be tidy. However, the girl on TV was a teenager and she was healthy. As I was watching the programme, I realised that she had got many clothes and shoes. Maybe she couldn't abandon the clothes she bought.

I have a similar feeling to her. It's quite difficult to throw meditative things away. Once I throw something away, it is impossible to get it back. I need courage to throw something away. Do you think I'm exaggerating? Of course, it depends on the things, but I need a strong will to throw something away.

I tend to think that someday it will be needed. Yes, maybe I will need it and if I throw it away, I will regret what I have done. This is my bad habitual way of thinking. A bad habit is hard to get rid of.

Honestly, in my experience the possibility of needing it in the future is very low. I know that.

I think many people have the same habit of keeping things that won't be used forever. I remember the story that my co-worker told me. She moved to a new apartment. Before she moved, she packed lots of her belongings into boxes. After she moved, she emptied the boxes but some boxes remained. Those boxes contained things that she didn't need soon. She said she was going to open those boxes later. After four or five years passed, she noticed that she still kept those boxes closed, which means she doesn't need the things in those boxes.

I cannot laugh at her. I do the same as she has done. The day that it will be needed usually doesn't come. Yes, I know it, I know it!

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