2016 / 05


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This journal is written by Kuma (Felis catus) and Kuma's owner Y (homo sapiens). We have moved from Japan to Australia in 2011.


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2016-05-02 06:01   I want to sow peas!

Y (Kuma's owner)

I heard that autumn is the season to sow peas.

All right, let's grow them!

I went to Bunnings, the local hardware shop and bought a package of Snow Peas and Snap Peas in April. I had a veggie patch with wire mesh behind. Everything was ready.

However, the temperature didn't fall as I expected. I have been trying to sow peas once or twice but abandoned because of temperature.

One day I was about to sow peas but the temperature suddenly went up and I couldn't do it. The last day of April, just before the three-day weekend started, I checked the weather forecast and noticed that next Monday will be over 30 degrees Celsius. So, I postponed sowing again. I felt like I was dancing a step forward and a step backward.

And today is the day that was forecasted that the temperature will go up to 30 degrees Celsius. It seems the weather man was right. It's getting hotter now.

I wonder when I will be able to sow peas.

I feel that I could understand how farmers make lots of efforts to grow vegetables.

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