2016 / 11


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This journal is written by Kuma (Felis catus) and Kuma's owner Y (homo sapiens). We have moved from Japan to Australia in 2011.


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2016-11-16 04:22   My Favorite Movie "The School of Rock"

Y (Kuma's owner)

I love comedy movies. Watching Japanese comedies are not issues to me, of course, but watching movies that were made in English-speaking countries are difficult. The most difficult thing is jokes. I have to know English, and moreover the background of the society in which movies are made. That's why I don't think I really understand most English-speaking comedies.

However, there is one that I could understand, it's "The School of Rock." The story is about a man named Dewey who was fired from the rock band he established. He lost his job and looked for a job which is related to music but it didn't work well. One day, he received a phone call for his friend from a school and he pretended to be his friend who was going to be a teacher, and got a job as a school teacher without telling his friend.

In this movie, Jack Black plays a man who always thinks that being a musician is his vocation job and encourages his friend, Ned, who lives in the same apartment to become a musician. In contradistinction to the funny story, I was impressed by Jack Black's guitar playing. I have seen him in the movie "The Big Year" but I didn't know he could play instruments and sing well.

The other characters are nice too. A school principal who is played by Joan Cusack is funny and really a well-cast role. Dewey's friend Ned who looks timid makes Dewey more funny. Some of the children in this movie play instruments really well. The movie script was written by Mike White who plays Ned in the movie. So many talented people are in the movie and I really enjoyed it.

I hoped a little that someone will make a sequel but maybe this movie has concluded itself.

| | Category Misc.

2016-11-11 04:33   Box Lovers

Y (Kuma's owner)

I have three cats, two male and one female cat. They all love boxes. Whatever sizes they are, my cats love them. Sometimes, the box is too small to fit in but they don't hesitate to sit in it. This is a picture of one of my cats, Midon. He loves sleeping in a box.

Midon in the box

One day, I searched using the keyword "cats" and "boxes" and found very interesting pictures. Someone wondered if a big cat like a lion or tiger loves boxes. The result is they love boxes, there is no difference between lions, tigers, leopards and ordinary cats. It was so funny watching a big lion trying to sit in a box. They are too big and some of them flattened the box but still sit on it.

I thought that ordinary cats love boxes because they are cautious. It seemed the inside of a box means safety. How about lions? I have seen a pride of lions sleeping in a wide grass field. They looked very relaxed. They don't have to be cautious. I wonder why lions love boxes? If I put a big box in a savanna, would they sit inside it?

I remember when I was small I loved to sit inside a box because the view from a box looked different and I could feel extraordinary. I think cats love boxes for different reasons but I have feelings of closeness toward them.

Midon in the box

| | Category Cats

2016-11-03 03:36   Blue and Purple Flowers

Y (Kuma's owner)

October is over. I can't believe that the year 2016 has already passed for 10 months.


I have taken several pictures of the flowers that were blooming in my yard in October. Coincidentally, there were lots of purple and blue flowers blooming. I love blue flowers. This is my favorite flower, Evolvulus. I love this blue very much. This flower can be grown from cutting stems.

The following picture is Lobelia. Lobelia blooms purple blue tiny flowers. In the peak season, stems cannot be seen by covering flowers. The seed of Lobelia is very small like powder and difficult to sow but once it's established they grow easily.


The next flower is Lavender. They have a beautiful fragrance and bees love them. I heard this type of Lavender is difficult to grow in the area I live but it seems all right.


The next picture is Plectranthus ornatus. I didn't know the name of this flower until today. I think they are kind of succulents. They are very strong in heat and a nice ground cover plant.

Plectranthus ornatus

The last picture is the most common purple flower in Australia, Jacaranda. This tree is not an Australian native but commonly seen everywhere. After they drop petals onto the ground, it looks like a purple carpet appears and it's really beautiful.

Jacaranda tree

| | Category Gardening

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